The Skin I’m In: Calya McKenzie

March 6, 2023

Every photoshoot I do there’s a message behind it. This photoshoot message is… I’m not what I’m going through.

This year I’ve been incredibly big on transparency. The start of this year has honestly been so hard on me mentally, physically, & spiritually.

Modeling is a career I started a year ago & within the year of me modeling my physical health has been a roller coaster.

From not being able to move one minute to being able to do everything under the sun.

I’m not the type to express my downhills.

But it’s honestly just apart of my story, that I know has to be shared because it’s going to touch others.

My eczema has become so severe to the point where hospitals have become my second home, to the point where I let it steal my confidence, my joy, my everything.

I’m starting to get back to the mindset of my Heavenly Father saying I’m fearfully & wonderfully made so why would I allow anything or anyone tell me anything less.

The skin that I’m in doesn’t cancel out the promises of God.

Model: Calya McKenzie 

Creative Director and Photographer: Naveszn (Evan Allen) 

Hair Stylist and Creative assistant: Celyne McKenzie

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