It’s funny that his birthday is the day that many of us find ourselves shooting off fireworks. I’d like to imagine that God did this on purpose. Elijah’s personality is that of a firework. He commands the room with his vivid and beautiful personality.You’re guaranteed to smile when being around him. Just like a firework, you watch and wonder as to how God put so much power and positive energy in such a small package. Whether it’s him mimicking Apostle Mark T. Jones or his gift in never meeting a stranger, we all need to be like Elijah.
I met this little cutie about 7 months ago. He’s my boyfriend Ardail’s God son. The first time meeting him, we bonded over my penny board. I’d taught myself to ride a couple months earlier; so I was still perfecting the art of it. When Ardail brought him over I decided to whip out my board because what other way do you bond with a 4-year-old boy with lots of energy? The summer camp counselor and tomboy in me was showing. I’d also seen that my 2-year-old nephew, Da’Vani took well to us helping him ride it. (I promise we didn’t let the two year old ride it by himself. But he too got the hang of it) Elijah was elated. We grabbed him under the arms and guided the board so it wouldn’t veer off course. From that day on, whenever he comes over I hear something about the “Skateboard.” Whenever it’s time to go home, I see and hear these persuasive tactics to get to the board. This kid is destined to be an amazing skate boarding lawyer one day.
A couple of months later, Elijah actually learned to roll by himself. He’s so fearless and so strong but still a baby; I think it’s the most adorable thing in the world. What’s also beautiful is that he has a dad and older brother who’s allowed him to be himself and to teach him the ropes. Ardail and Jimmy. That’s all little black boys need. Support. Love. Guidance. We Stan supportive black dads and caring older brothers.
This experience was more than just riding a board. It also taught him about trusting yourself, balance, & trusting the people who care about you most.
Watching Elijah fearlessly learn to ride this board was so empowering. I remember wanting to hold his arm while Ardail said “He’s fine. Let him try.” (I’m sure his amazing mom, Mrs. Wendy would’ve done the same) But to my surprise when we let his arms go…he actually road it quite well. He was riding with all types of balance.
Champion that Elijah spirit. Sometimes we have to remember that even a baby can take the scales off a giant’s eyes. When I saw Elijah ride the penny board by himself, it renewed my view on what I could do in life. Had I been allowing fear to limit my abilities and faith in God? Yep. It took a then 4 year old to show me that. Fear is not real and it’s not apart of our DNA. Get back to your 5 year old self; back when you’d jump off a table with a cape on because you knew you could fly. Go back to when you’d swing as hard as you could to get as high as you could to jump off of the swing. Pick your wings back up. Learn something new that many people might find intimidating but you find exhilarating. Lean into a challenge because you have the strength to overcome anything.
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