A Child of God: Thee Celyne • What A Christian Looks Like
August 17, 2022
“I’m just a child of God that is madly in love with Jesus and I just want to reflect the son in all that I do and not be a weird Christian.”
What’s a Weird Christian?
Thee_Celyne: ” A weird Christian is somebody who subscribes to religion. Who subscribes to doing it the Pharisees- Sadduccees…not really giving J-E-S-U-S, you see…”
“Once I came to the realization of who Jesus Christ really and truly is and how the power of the Holy Spirit is just so much more than just speaking in tongues on a Sunday morning service. But also teaching, comforting you, and leading you into all truths, you know? He is there for you in like every single…like He wants to be there for you in every single step of your life. And once I introduced Him to my life foreal, so many things just changed. If you don’t know Him; then get to know Him.”