Nipsey Followed the Carpenter

April 10, 2019

It’s been a hard couple of weeks. I unexpectedly lost one of my first cousins and then Nipsey’s death spun me even further into sadness. It’s been hard but I know like me, you all are just trying to make it through. Trying to make sense of stuff that doesn’t seem to make sense. Trying to politely ask God why bad things happen to good people. Our shoulders have been heavy and I know for a fact we’re all carrying this weight. It rained the day after we found out about Nip. But everything is in the will of God and may not make sense to us. But for sure this is God strengthening our spiritual muscles because these people that we lost are no longer present in the physical realm, but we must know that life does not end. It transcends to another plane. I know I’ve said this before but that’s the only thing that I can say to help me understand… I think it’s so beautiful what Nipsey’s mother said about his transcendence. “When God dwells inside of you, there is no fear. Everything is in perfect order. Everything is in the divine perfect order…” She spoke about how his spirit is totally free now. Imagine that…


Something struck me on Sunday as my pastor was preaching and spoke on Nipsey’s passing. In so many ways, what we don’t realize is that we walk in the steps of God. We are God’s children and sometimes our lives directly reflect that. You may find yourself in some of the same situations that Jesus found himself in.  My pastor from Harlem always talked about how we should be following “the carpenter.” This meant following the ways that Jesus lived. Being nice to people, loving them unconditionally, standing up for what is right, forgiving those who wrong you…love. You know, pretty much just being a good person. Also, it’s the Lent season, which is symbolic of the days leading up to Jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the world aka Easter. So this sermon was about the betrayal of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. (Mark 14:32)

Here’s the story: Jesus is in the Garden, very worried about his foreseen fate coming to fruition. He would soon be the sacrifice for the world. He knew that the enemy would soon be coming to take him but he just wanted his boys, the disciples, to stay up and look out and pray with him. But they kept falling asleep. Jesus questioned God about him going through with the plan but he knew that the will had been set. The disciples didn’t stay awake and then came an angry crowd of people and officials waiting to take Him away to be killed. Judas, a disciple, had sold him out.

47 While He was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, suddenly arrived. A large mob, with swords and clubs, was with him from the chief priests and elders of the people. 48 His betrayer had given them a sign: “The One I kiss, He’s the One; arrest Him!” 49 So he went right up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. (Mark 14:43-50) 

There was nothing that the disciples could do. Peter even cut off a man’s ear but there was nothing that he could do.

When I started thinking about Nipsey and the circumstances surrounding his passing, it reminded me of this story in more ways than one. He understood his enemies…he even tweeted that day.

The man who betrayed him, Eric Holder, smiled in his face and gave him a CD and then shot him. This was Nipsey’s Judas. Someone who’d kill a King for the price of nothing, but hate. But Nipsey knew that he was trader, just like Jesus knew that Judas would betray him. His business partner said he left his side for a couple of seconds, just like Peter and the other disciples falling asleep. Nipsey was a man of power and so was Jesus (of course). Their presence to others was sometimes a threat no matter how good they were to the people around them. Nipsey died at the same age as Jesus, 33. He was a humble man, setting an amazing example for his community and showing people that no matter who you are, you can still make good of yourself and the people around you.  In his passing, it set off a domino effect to unite his community and people around the world. Jesus died to save the world for everlasting life. Nipsey was a child of God . We all are His children and can reflect the same because we are one. All born with a special light and love, waiting to be shared.  With love comes a genuine spirit, and the world needs more of that, as we see. Light and love are our weapons. Even though a gun is a tangible weapon of darkness, it’s no comparison in the grand scheme to things like spiritual warfare. (And that’s the real tea.)

Big Sean>>>>>>

No, Nipsey was not Jesus. But he is a prime example of showing us that, God is within you no matter what. No matter how high you are, no matter how low you’ve come up from, you can live and lead people in a positive way.  God’s children are never killed; they just ascend higher to be closer with him. It’s hard as humans to understand this because the pain hurts beyond measure, I know especially for Lauren, his family, his kids, his friends and even the fans. But all things come full circle.

I loved what Nick Cannon said “Spiritual Warfare is real and in full effect.”

We should all live to fight out darkness with our light. Do something for your community. Create something that will better your people. Start a business. Support a business. Show somebody you love them in an unconventional way. Let’s keep this same energy. Don’t let his legacy be in vain. Take up the baton, and finish the marathon. Thank you, Nipsey. 

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)


Author: Nave SizonFounder of - I'm a Child of God simply trying to show people the love of God in many ways. I want people to see that God cannot be boxed in and that He is so multifaceted. Jesus is my Savior and I will continue to make his name famous in the earth.

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Author: Nave SizonFounder of - I'm a Child of God simply trying to show people the love of God in many ways. I want people to see that God cannot be boxed in and that He is so multifaceted. Jesus is my Savior and I will continue to make his name famous in the earth.